The Globe & Mail (June 17, 2024)
17 Jun
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Announcement expected on the future of salmon farms in BC

The Liberal government intends to move ahead with its 2019 campaign commitment to put an end to open-net pen salmon farms in coastal BC waters.

An announcement is expected on Wednesday. Sources say the government will renew the licenses for open-net pen salmon farms for another five years, responsibly matching the business cycle from hatchery to harvest. After that, the industry must dismantle its open-net pens and move to land-based operations.

A recent ruling by Federal Court of Canada Justice Paul Favel, stated that the decision not to renew licences for salmon farms around the Discovery Islands met the “requirement of the duty to consult” and “did not breach the operators’ rights of procedural fairness.” By applying the precatuionary approach, former Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray was mindful of her legal responsibilities under the Fisheries Act to conserve wild fish.

“It shows there is a demonstration of leadership to fully embrace legislative tools to safeguard the environment and the salmon,” says Bob Chamberlin, Chair – FNWSA.

Over 120 First Nations and the majority of British Columbians support the transition of ocean-polluting Atlantic salmon farms from BC waters.

Read full article by The Globe and Mail here.