Interview with Karen Wristen | CKNW
Karen Wristen of Living Oeans addresses the importance of removing open net pen fish farms from BC waters. Hear the interview on CKNW.
Karen Wristen of Living Oeans addresses the importance of removing open net pen fish farms from BC waters. Hear the interview on CKNW.
Bob Chamberlin discusses the recent study on the impact of PRV (piscine orthoreovirus) on wild Pacific salmon. Hear Bob’s interview on CKNW.
A UBC study using genomic sequencing has found the piscine orthoreovirus has been transmitted from B.C. fish farms to wild Pacific chinook for at least a decade, leading researchers to call for a “precautionary approach” to salmon farming. Read more from BIV.
New research from UBC, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Genome BC & Pacific Salmon Foundation traces the origin of PRV (which causes kidney and liver damage in wild Chinook salmon) to Atlantic salmon farms in Norway, and finds that the virus is nearly ubiquitous in BC’s open net pen fish farms. Read more from […]
Hear Bob Chamberlin and CKNW’s Stirling Faux discuss the Discovery Islands decision — and the importance of removing open net pen fish farms from BC waters. Listen now on CKNW.
Tourism industry and conservationists oppose Cermaq’s plan to dump one million litres of pesticide in Clayoquot Sound – a vital feeding ground for grey whales. Read more from CTV News.
Land based fish farming is well underway and gaining momentum. Canada can join leaders like Iceland and transition open net pen fish farms out of BC coastal waters by 2025. Read more from Salmon Business.
Countries around the world are already moving to land based closed containment aquaculture. Read more on BBC Business. (Photo: Atlantic Sapphire/BBC)