Discovery Islands Announcement:
Thank you, Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Jordan
Dear friends,
We’re so very pleased to let you know that today Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Bernadette Jordan and the Government of Canada announced that all open net-pen fish farms will be removed from the Discovery Islands effective June 30th 2022!!
Today is a good day for wild Pacific salmon as we are finally seeing a step in the right direction – one we’ve been waiting for since the day this government committed to a transition last election. Thank you Minster Jordan and Prime Minister Trudeau.
This has been a years-long fight for so many of you, but with your support we were able to successfully ramp up our efforts over the last few weeks and we want to thank the almost 1’800 of you who took the time to write Minister Jordan and the Prime Minister’s office to make your voice heard. It’s clear we got their attention.
While we’re happy about today’s decision, there’s still more to be done. With the Discovery Islands decision behind us, we need a transition plan and a timetable for the removal of the rest of the farms in BC’s coastal waters. Our work isn’t done until all of BC’s wild pacific salmon are safe from the harmful practice of open-net pen fish farming.
Once again, we want to send a HUGE thank you to you, our supporters. Your passion, dedication and action alongside BC’s First Nations, conservationists, scientists and other concerned citizens across the province have helped make a big difference today, and we hope we can rely on you to keep up our efforts in the new year.
For the time being, we hope you can take some time to celebrate today’s victory, to enjoy the Holidays (no matter how different they may be) and to get some rest, as our work will continue in 2021.