A step in the right direction for wild pacific salmon
This June, wild Pacific salmon were given a fighting chance.
On June 22, Minister Joyce Murray announced no farmed Atlantic salmon will be permitted in the Discovery Islands while she finalizes a plan to transition away from open net pen salmon farms by the 2025 deadline.
Open net pen salmon farms elsewhere in BC continue to spread parasites, pathogens and pollutants harmful to wild fish. It’s critical for wild Pacific salmon, and the broader ecosystem that depends on them, to ensure the transition of open net pen salmon farms out of BC waters is completed.
To thank Minister Joyce Murray for moving in the right direction, and to ensure that your local MP knows you support transition of all open net pen salmon farms out of BC waters as soon as possible, please enter your name below. A letter will be sent to your local MP, and cc'd to Minister Joyce Murray and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Sign the Wild First Pledge
Join over 43,500 people and show your support for transitioning open net pen fish farms out of BC waters.
What's at stake
Open net pen fish farms threaten wild Pacific salmon, directly impacting communities and ecosystems throughout British Columbia.