Who can Minister Murray trust?
In 2011, a DFO scientist, Dr. Kristi Miller-Saunders, identified PRV in British Columbia (BC) and discovered that it was likely causing a fatal disease in endangered Chinook. But DFO refused to allow her to publish that research, citing the objections of industry collaborators. DFO also refused to release her research under the Access to Information Act. The Information Commissioner, reviewing this refusal, found DFO had no lawful reason to withhold this evidence of harm to wild Pacific salmon.
Dr. Miller-Saunders has publicly described this suppression as: “A glaring case of industry’s right of refusal when it comes to dissemination of science. The only interpretation allowed is that put forward by industry. Federal and provincial governments knew about this study, and allowed it to stay blocked for 10 years while they funded other scientists to counter the findings.”
Fortunately, Minister Murray has repeatedly shown she puts wild Pacific salmon first. British Columbians can remain confident that Minister Murray’s June 2022 decision will be the right one, and a step forward in the Prime Minister’s mandate to remove open net-pen feedlots from coastal BC by 2025.
Read the full op ed from Tony Allard, Chair of Wild First, here.