First Nations Chiefs Urge PM: Close BC Salmon Farms by 2025
First Nations chiefs are calling on the Prime Minister and federal government to follow through on their mandate to close salmon farms off the BC coast by 2025.
The federal mandate letter states the need to develop “a responsible plan to transition from open-net pen salmon farming in coastal British Columbia waters by 2025.”
Commercial open-net pen salmon farms pose a danger to the health of wild Pacific salmon by spreading sea lice, viruses and pollutants to migrating salmon.
The reduction in wild Pacific salmon populations has a direct impact on food security for First Nations across BC. “Chief Arnie Lampreau of Shackan First Nation said his community has had to spend $500,000 to import salmon from Alaska owing to the stark reduction in the province’s wild salmon population.”
It’s time for the government to exercise the precautionary principle to end the pens and protect wild Pacific for future generations.