Black Press Media (December 4, 2024)
04 Dec
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BC First Nation Chiefs seek clarity on support for open-net pens

A group of Hereditary Chiefs from northern Vancouver Island are calling on the Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship (FNFFS) to clarify its list of open-net pen fish farm supporters.

Hereditary Chiefs of the Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw and Kwakwa̱ ka̱ ʼwakw First Nations with the First Nation Wild Salmon Alliance (FNWSA) were in Vancouver Wednesday (Dec. 4) asking for the FNFFS to publicly release its list of 17 supporters. Bob Chamberlin, Chair–FNWSA, said the alliance was asking the coalition to share its list so it’s “not misrepresenting the work done” by First Nations working to end fish farms.

“It makes it appear like there’s a large group of First Nations that are supportive of this industry when the numbers that oppose it are almost 13-to-one,” says Bob Chamberlin.

To date, the FNWSA has identified over 120 First Nations across BC who support the transition of open-net pen salmon farms out of BC waters.

Read full article by Black Press Media here.