The other epidemic: What’s killing wild salmon? | The Walrus
Another article confirming the need to continue to transition open net pen fish farms out of BC waters. Read more from The Walrus.
Another article confirming the need to continue to transition open net pen fish farms out of BC waters. Read more from The Walrus.
On the heels of a new stakeholder engagement report from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, scientists and Indigenous advocates are renewing calls to phase out west coast fish farms and restore devastated wild salmon stocks. Read more in The Narwhal.
Wild First is pleased that the Federal Court dismissed Cermaq’s motion to force the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to reconsider her rejection of Cermaq’s applications to re-stock two open net pen fish farms in the Okisollo Channel. In December 2020, the Minister announced that open net-pen fish farms in the Discovery Islands would be […]
Tierra del Fuego, Argentina’s southernmost province, approved a bill on June 20th that bans salmon farming in open net pens. “I have been fighting the global salmon farming industry for over two decades and the tide is now turning against this toxic industry,” said Don Staniford, a scientist, researcher and activist, in a release from […]
VANCOUVER — The federal government says it will close several commercial Pacific salmon fisheries in British Columbia and Yukon beginning this season to conserve fish stocks that are on the “verge of collapse.” Read more from CTV News.
“As a society, can we really destroy, for all time, a part of our world as important as wild salmon? I just don’t think we morally can do that for future generations.” Hear Alexandra Morton’s full interview on CKNW.
Wild First congratulates Minister Jordan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, for her decision not to allow restocking of fish farms in the Discovery Islands, and for her decision not to extend Cermaq’s current license in the Discovery Islands area beyond June 2022. Thank you Minister Jordan, for listening to First Nations and the vast majority of […]
The decline of wild Pacific salmon stocks ranks among British Columbians’ top three concerns—behind only COVID-19 and poverty—according to new polling from Insights West and Sierra Club BC. Read the release here.
New research from UBC, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Genome BC & Pacific Salmon Foundation traces the origin of PRV (which causes kidney and liver damage in wild Chinook salmon) to Atlantic salmon farms in Norway, and finds that the virus is nearly ubiquitous in BC’s open net pen fish farms. Read more from […]
Dear friends, We’re so very pleased to let you know that today Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Bernadette Jordan and the Government of Canada announced that all open net-pen fish farms will be removed from the Discovery Islands effective June 30th 2022!! Today is a good day for wild Pacific salmon as we are finally […]