The Globe & Mail (June 17, 2024)
17 Jun
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Announcement expected on the future of salmon farms in BC

The Liberal government intends to move ahead with its 2019 campaign commitment to put an end to open-net pen salmon farms in coastal BC waters. An announcement is expected on Wednesday. Sources say the government will renew the licenses for open-net pen salmon farms for another five years, responsibly matching the business cycle from hatchery […]

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The Narwhal (June 7, 2024)
17 Jun
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It’s time to end the pens in BC

During the 2019 federal election, Prime Minister Trudeau pledged to transition away from open-net pen salmon farms by 2025. At the end of this month, all 85 fish farm licenses in BC will expire. However, the public is left in the dark as the federal government has yet to announce whether they will honour their […]

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FNWSA Quote (June 10, 2024)
10 Jun
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FNWSA applauds removal of salmon farms in DI

The First Nation Wild Salmon Alliance (FNWSA) sees the decision to not renew licences for salmon farms in the Discovery Islands as the beginning of a meaningful transition plan to protect wild Pacific salmon populations from the impacts of ocean-polluting Atlantic salmon farms. This plan would implement broad-stroke, fundamental reconciliation across the province while working […]

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08 Jun
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Federal Court rejects review of BC fish farm licence renewals

The Federal Court has rejected a bid by two First Nations and salmon farm operators to review Ottawa’s decision to not renew licences for 15 open-net pen Atlantic salmon farms in the waters off British Columbia. The written ruling from Judge Paul Favel says former Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray’s decision from February 2023 to not […]

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31 May
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Unprecedented unity across BC to remove open-net pens

BC is the last place on North America’s west coast with ocean-polluting Atlantic salmon farms. “There is broad consensus that open net fish farms have to go,” says Carla Qualtrough, Liberal MP for Delta. Qualtrough said the federal government’s commitment was to have the transition away from open-net pens complete by 2025, but it also […]

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The Hill Times (May 27, 2024)
30 May
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DFO officials attempt to censor and squash the science

Over the last decade, Federal Ministers of Fisheries & Oceans Canada have consistently had to overrule Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in order to ensure DFO executes on its primary responsibility to safeguard Canada’s fisheries and oceans resources. In 2023, former Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray embraced the Precautionary Approach in her decision to remove open-net […]

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Politico (May 28, 2024)
28 May
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DFO science is in a state of conflict

In 2019, the Liberal campaign promised to “transition from open net pen salmon farming in coastal waters to closed containment systems by 2025.” Now, the future of BC salmon farms is on Cabinet’s agenda. When it comes to the science, DFO is in a state of conflict. A Hill Times op-ed this week slammed the […]

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The Hill Times (May 27, 2024)
27 May
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Elected officials should treat DFO advice with caution

In 2019, Prime Minister Trudeau issued a mandate to transition open-net pen salmon farms from coastal BC waters by 2025. As cabinet contemplates how to implement the prime minister’s mandate to remove open-net pen salmon farms from BC waters, our elected officials should treat the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s advice with scepticism and […]

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The Georgia Straight (May 24, 2024)
25 May
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BC leaders expect Prime Minister to remove salmon farms

Leaders representing over 120 First Nations, commercial and recreational fishers, tourism operators, business leaders, scientists, and ENGOs have sent a clear message to Prime Minister @Justin Trudeau: “we expect him to keep his promise to transition open-net pen salmon farms out of BC waters by 2025.” “Going back on that promise now is an affront […]

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Politico [May 21, 2024]
22 May
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Coalition across BC supports 2019 promise to remove salmon farms

In 2019, the Liberal platform promised to develop a responsible plan to transition from open-net pen salmon farming in coastal BC waters to closed containment systems by 2025. Over 120 First Nations across BC are aligned with an uncommon coalition of commercial fishers, tourism operators, business leaders, scientists and ENGOs in support of transitioning to […]

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