CBC (September 20, 2024)
01 Nov
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UBCIC supports FNWSA Conditions of Licence and Regulation

During the UBCIC 56th Annual General Assembly, held from September 24-26, over 100 First Nations from across BC passed Resolution No. 2024-56 with full consensus and broad support from the entire province.

Resolution No. 2024-56 clearly states: THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the UBCIC Chiefs-in-Assembly support the First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance Regulation and Conditions of Licenses and the advancement of these regulations within the upcoming Open Net-Pen Transition Planning process Consultations.

The UBCIC Chiefs-in-Assembly also endorses UBCIC’s continued involvement in the Open Net-Pen Transition Planning Process to pursue the ongoing protection and recovery of wild Pacific salmon from the harmful impacts of open net-pen salmon farm operations.

Furthermore, the UBCIC Chiefs-in-Assembly direct the UBCIC Executive and staff to work with the B.C. Assembly of First Nations and the First Nations Summit as the First Nation Leadership Council, and the First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance, to advocate for the fulsome protection of declining wild Pacific salmon populations through sustained political action.

See Final Resolutions of UBCIC 56th Annual General Assembly here.
